
OUt for drinks? best advice

Here’s a nonverbal trick I wish I knew when I was single… but still applies when meeting up with someone for other reasons. When you go out for drinks (alcohol, coffee, hot chocolate, matte) make sure to notice the cup placement on the table in front of you. The cup or glass may give you […]

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Elementor #3627

Nonverbal Myth #1 There is a maxim out there stating that up to 93% of communication is nonverbal. What in the name of Homer J. Simpson does that mean? And if it’s true, why are we spending so little time and resources on that 93% and giving so much credibility to the remaining 7%?  

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Dental Office

Sometimes, my body and mouth do things without consulting my brain. Most likely, it is to avoid an argument. The other day, I walked into the dentist office, but had to open the door in such a way that my arms were out away from my body (like when I am in presentation mode where

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5 Second Rule

If food falls on the floor, you know about the 5 second rule. But people have a 5 second rule too. Are you missing it? When people are not confident in their bargaining position, are hoping to not be discovered, lying, or any other situation which causes stress, their bodies crave to release the mounting

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Superhero Masks

All of us have fears that inhibit us getting out of our comfort zones and ultimately show up in our body language. Unfortunately, there are different types of predators (sexual, emotional, financial) who look for and recognize those indicators of anxiety as a softer target they can exploit. However, each one of us also has

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