Sign up to get spy tips and tricks and receive covert assignments to practice your special agent skills in your daily human to human interactions.


Congratulations!  You have just discovered the secret headquarters of the Bodysights Spy School which teaches CEOs, senior staff, and their influential teams the spy techniques for enhanced human interaction using body language, influence and persuasion, revealing objections clients keep a secret, and building relationships of trust

Start seeing what they’re not saying

If you ever thought about how sexy it would be to become a spy, but you have to live in reality, Bodysights gives you a chance to get the best of both worlds. You can learn exciting spy tactics and use them to speed read your clients, close more deals, create an engaging internal culture, and foster leadership development. 

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Spy school options

 Spy 101– Mission Objective: Cover intense information in a short amount of time into the fundamental human to human skills to start you on your next mission, should you choose to accept. This is done either directly with your team or as part of an open workhops.

 Special Agent Masterclass– Mission Objective: Take a deep dive from 1-3 days to learn, practice, and analyze the techniques that will help you master skills of influence and persuasion, nonverbal communication, and rapport.

Corporate Retreats– Spies working together on a high-stakes operation is the most effective way to develop collaboration, communication, and coordination that you have never heard of. Until now. Play head-to-head spy games, learn surreptitious surveillance at a team level, and conduct orchestrated chance encounters with high value potential clients.