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What Could You Accomplish With a Team of Special Agents?

Would you want your team to know what your clients are thinking? What kind of success would that bring? Reading minds might not be attainable, but reading bodies is the next best thing. Bodysights will help you select the key modules that will have the greatest impact on your client interaction, sales, information gathering, customer service, and relationship building in this a spy masterclass. Check out these topics to build your tailor made 1-3 day spy school for business professionals. 

Take HEED This technique is used to speed read nonverbal behavior and helps special agents see the objections that others are trying to hide because they either know the someone will try to overcome the objection or they don’t want to be rude or confrontational. Covers human nature and why some physiological responses occur so special agents can use the right words for the situation. THIS IS NOT A RUDIMENTARY BODY LANGUAGE CLASS. Take HEED goes way beyond basic skills like maintain good eye contact, stand up straight, and watch for crossed arms. It covers eye and lip movements, leaning, identifying tension and unspoken objections, identifying when someone doesn’t like what they just heard but pretend to agree, etc. It helps special agents see through the mask by placing what they see into categories for rapid assessment as to why someone has an objection.

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Nonverbals in a Virtual Environment We spend a lot of time interacting through virtual meetings. Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks is not being able to see all of the nonverbals in others. It is also very easy for people to lose confidence with you subconsciously when you fall into common traps in your virtual interactions. Learn here how to enhance your levels of trust while presenting in a cyberspace environment to go viral with your clients and not virus. Master the key nonverbals you might see on screen. Understand how to still read others even when their cameras are turned off. 

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Powerful Women In An Alpha Male Room Women can make very successful special agents. The most effective ones are those that learn how to create engagement and trust without compromising their values. But, if you are reading this you know that is no small task considering the barriers in a boardroom. Complaining about the wolves helps to identify the problem, but learning how to run with the pack in this module is the type of boldness that will help others feel confident about your presence on the team and especially leading the pack using your environment (not your sex) to your advantage. 

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Building Rapport And Trust Do you want to know the trick to how spies get people to reveal their secrets? Trust. They put in the time and effort to edify relationships with key contacts. But, they also need to gain that trust quickly. There are things you can do with your body that increase the likelihood that others will find you more engaging and trustworthy. Learning about behavioral baselines, personality traits, mirroring (but at a much deeper level than just doing what someone else is doing) are crucial elements of forming an alliance. But you need to do it quickly. That’s where this module comes in. Bodysights covers effectively building rapport but to use these powers for good and mutual benefit rather then manipulation (which ends up being a real rapport killer).

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Elicitation Elicitation is a form of gathering information in such a way that the person offering theinformation believes it is their idea. This is very useful to avoid giving the appearance that your interaction is an interrogation with question after question. Effective technique to use when you notice the hidden objections discussed in HEED to get people to lower their shields and open up with more information than you would have asked normally. 
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Networking With Swagger Special agents don’t just walk up to the person they want to target and say, “hey, would you like to tell me your secrets?” Just like you don’t walk up to a client and say, “hey, would you like to buy my stuff?” (unless you think that pitch slapping is effective when people do it to you). Bodysights special agents use a technique we call an orchestrated chance encounter which helps you understand when and how to meet people you don’t know, leverage networks, when to bow out of a conversation, use gatekeepers (the people between you and your goal) to your advantage, and identify ideal moments to approach others. 

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Influence an Audience  Special agents frequently have to adapt and improvise in their human interaction operations. But, no one is buying what they are selling if they don’t fully commit and own the situation. That is not a job for the timid. But what if you are timid? How can you be confident and terrified to speak in front of people at the same time? This module dives into presenting with power to help you pitch to investors, demonstrate confidence in your product, and even influence you to start believing in yourself. 

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Deception Detection  Everyone lies about something. Most often, it is because they either want to protect someone’s feelings or protect themselves from perceived threats. If you are asking them to buy something, sign a contract, or create a change in a less effective system, they will see you as a threat to their budget, freedom, or status quo (even if you are fixing a problem). As a perceived threat or not wanting to hurt your feelings, clients may lie to get out of a situation. Special agents look for particular clues that indicate deception might be taking place. Learn how to see the clues of the lie so you can address their concerns before they ghost you in the next meeting. 

De-escalation Special agents operate in high intensity situations. Tensions can flare. But, often it builds slowly. If you are in a customer/client facing industry or when the stakes are high, your body may be sending signals that add to that tension or that tension may be building without you noticing. We will teach you how to notice subtle cues that show something just ain’t right and steps to take to get get back on the cool track.